
The Great Zipper Search - Solved by Field's Fabric

UPDATE: Problem solved! I received an email this morning from the lovely Field's Fabrics in Michigan stating that they carried both of the zippers I need. Yay!

Field's Fabrics has some of the nicest sales staff I've ever had the pleasure to do business with. I stopped in their Kalamazoo location on the road trip home, after visiting family this summer. Their selection was fantastic and their prices exceptionally reasonable. Don't let their website fool you. If you need something, but don't see it online, call or email their sales department. The turn-around was very fast and Karen was so pleasant! Now, my little Beulon zippers are on their way and I'll be able to finish my dresses...phew!

Readers, I have silk arriving tomorrow, which I am eager to turn into two lovely dresses! But, there's one small problem. This fabric is lightweight and requires a special zipper, so as to avoid any unsightly bulges. It requires a YKK Beulon Knit Tape zipper, to be precise. I have Googled, emailed, and scoured every corner of the internet I can find without luck. The few stores that carry them either have too few colors (I need 22"crimson and 14"emerald) or require a bulk purchase.

Does anyone know of a supplier or maybe a local shop that would be willing to ship [fast]? Any direction would be sincerely appreciated!!

Night! x


  1. Yay, I am so glad Field's Fabric came to the rescue! I haven't yet needed a zipper for my projects, so I didn't know of anyone who carried this item. May I ask what the price was for the zippers? (For future projects of course).

    1. Me too! Sure, these particular zippers are considered "specialty" so they cost a bit more. The 14" was $2 and the 22" was $2.25 (plus shipping). I can't recall what they charge for regular YKK zippers. I buy those from Atlanta Thread Company for less than $1 each (min $10 order plus shipping). Both stores have great customer service!


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